남상원 X Robert Stokowy


남상원 X Robert Stokowy


qtm –  Sangwon Nam (KR)

pretrospective – Rovert Stokowy (GER)

Exhibition opening time 2pm-8pm

Opening 07.27 5pm

Opening performance 07.27 8pm

Introduction of the artists

솔로 음악 프로젝트 N2로 활동하기도 하는 남상원은 사운드를 이용하여 전자음악, 미디어아트, 설치미술, 현대무용 등 다양한 영역에 걸쳐 소리를 시각화 하는 작업에 관심을 가지고 있다. 작가는 ‘소리’를 재료로 하여 창작의 구상 단계, 과정 그리고 결과물을 아우르는 일종의 ‘시스템’적 환경을 만들고, 이에 따른 결과물이 출력되는 생성예술(Generative Art)적 작업을 보여주고자 한다. 최근에는 소음(noise sound)과 음파(sonic waves)에 관심이 많아 이를 응용한 작업에 중점을 두고 있다. 2012년 8월 싱글음반 발매, 2014년 대림미술관 구슬모아당구장, 2015년 독일과 포르투갈에서 <Sonic Scenery> 를 전시하였다.

로버트 슈토코비 (1988~) 는 독일 쾰른 출신의 사운드 아티스트로서, 공간에 대한 소리의 불안정성, 감각적 균형성과 소리의 잠재력과 특성을 탐구하는 예술가이다. 작가의 장소특정적 사운드 생성 작업은 현상학적인 실습과 촉각적, 유기적 특성을 지닌 미세한 소리들을 기반으로 한다.

Sangwon Nam is a sound artist and also known as music project name N2. He usually creates works of art using electronic sound in various ways such as music, installation, performance and digital media. Using sound in creating progress is basic conception of his works of art. From the sound, he re-generates artistic output such as sound, visuals and other types. Sometimes he also designed generative system using computer programming for interactive arts. He has performed and exhibited in Japan, France and several countries. And in 2014 and 2015, he has had exhibition <Sonic Scenery> in South Korea, Portugal and Germany.

Robert Stokowy (*1988) is a sound artist born in Cologne, Germany, who’s work is focused on the theme’s of instability, sensory balance, as well as qualitative characteristics and potentiality of sound in the public space. His site-specific sound interventions are based on phenomenological practices and consist of small sounds and objects which hold very haptic and organic qualities.

 About the exhibition

<qtm> by 남상원

양자역학적 자료와 관련된 컴퓨팅기반 생성 시스템을 작가가 프로그래밍 하고, 이 시스템을 통하여 생성된 청각적 시각적 결과물을 채집하여 작품으로 완성하는 일종의 생성예술적 접근을 시도한다. 물리학자 Fabian Kruse, 물리학박사 Sascha Delitzscher, 물리학박사 Robert Richter 간의 협업으로서, 베를린 공과대학교 물리학과 연구실에서 다이아몬드의 양자분석을 통하여 측정한 데이터를 이용하여 소리에 대입시키고, 4채널 사운드 설치 형식으로 전시한다. 이번 전시의 재료는 실험 중인 프로토타입사운드 채집 과정으로서, 최종적으로 1개의 음악작업과 1개의 전시작업으로 완성될 예정이다.

Computing program for quantim mechanical data

Computing program for quantim mechanical data

<Pretrospective> by 로버트 슈토코비

로버트 슈토코비의 여러 전작 중 2015/2016년 작 모음의 일부를 전시한다. 작가는 전시공간의 건축적, 음향적 요소를 작업을 통해 통합시키고, 창작작업 공간을 통하여 공간 외부로부터 내부의 전시공간으로 이끌게 하는 이른바 몰입을 유발시키는 소리적 단서를 창작한다. 이번 작가의 사운드 비주얼 설치 작업은 작품 그 자체와 공간간의 흥미로운 대비점을 보여주고, 이를 통하여 신선하고 섬세한 음향적 환경을 구현한다.

전시 작품 :
Seoul Music (Sound Installation)
Bicycle Tire Print (Visual Object)
Fair-Weather Days (Sound Objects – multiple)
Targets (Sound Installation)
Luminaria NM (Sound Installation)
Site-Work – Ujeongguk (Sound Installation)

fair-weather days - Berlin

fair-weather days – Berlin

<qtm> by Sangwon Nam

<qtm> is a generative artwork project from Sangwon Nam which is related to collaboration between sound art and quantum mechanics. He programed computing-based generative system involving quantum mechanical data. Fabian Kruse, Dr. Sascha Delitzscher und Dr. Robert Richter from Technische Universität Berlin, as collaborators, measured and analyzed quantum data of Diamonds in their lab and Sangwon Nam tried to make mapping sound with the data into the generative system and the sounds present in 4 channel-speaker environment. This exhibition presents the collected prototype sounds as processing of the project and plan to set about 1 audible piece and 1 installation work.


<Pretrospective> by Robert Stokowy

– selected works from 2015/2016 –

From July 27th – August 3rd 2016 Robert Stokowy will exhibit a part of his extensive oeuvre at the Post Territory Ujeongguk. The artist will integrate the architectural and acoustic qualities of the Gallery into his works, creating an immersive trail that leads one from the outside into the gallery as well as through the stages of Robert Stokowy’s creative process. His small sound installations, sound objects and visual objects will creating interesting contrasts between the works themselves and the gallery space, resulting in an emergent delicate sonic environment.

Works included:
Seoul Music (Sound Installation)
Bicycle Tire Print (Visual Object)
Fair-Weather Days (Sound Objects – multiple)
Targets (Sound Installation)
Luminaria NM (Sound Installation)
Site-Work – Ujeongguk (Sound Installation)



Lab in TU Berlin

Lab in TU Berlin

Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that is concerned with the interaction of matter with the smallest units of energy, the quanta. Energy can be present in different forms such as light or vibrations. The smallest quanta of light are particles called photons and they can exchange energy with the smallest unit of vibrational energy, the quanta of sound called phonons.
In the laboratory we excited pure nanoscopic diamonds with laser light and measured the light emitted by the diamond. Our results show that the color of the diamonds luminescence is strongly correlated to the vibrations of its atoms with respect to each other. A small quantum mechanical system like a nano-diamond is comparable to a musical instrument. It has different vibrational normal modes, like a violin has strings. These normal modes have vibrational frequencies i.e. musical notes. A violin has four strings and therefore four fundamental musical notes. The diamonds in our lab had up to 168 different fundamental vibrational modes and therefore a rich spectrum of “musical notes”.
Due to the exchange of energy between photons and phonons these “musical notes” are reflected in the color emitted by the diamond. However, which notes are expressed in the light is determined by complex quantum mechanical relations.
The artist tries to capture the quantum mechanical relations between the shine of a diamond and its vibrations using the mathematical tools given by quantum mechanics to map the sounds reflected in the data of the optical spectra. The fact that color and sound of a diamond are fundamentally connected by the laws of quantum mechanics can be used to establish rules that can be applied to build a macroscopic audio-visual representation of the quantum system.

Dr. Robert Richter





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